Gunther Maier

Editorial board member, Journal manager, Production editor, Author, Reviewer

Gunther Maier is a professor at Modul University Vienna in Vienna, Austria and a former faculty member at WU (University of Economics and Business). He teaches and does research in regional and real estate economics. His publications cover a wide range of topics like location, market areas, regional development, methods, green buildings, real estate assessment, and behavioral aspecs of real estate.

Modul University Vienna
My experience with REGION

REGION publishes original research output in Open Access and without charging APCs. This means: "free for readers and free for authors". REGION demonstrates that this is technically and economically feasible for an academic association. I am proud to be part of this project.

Functions in REGION

Gunther Maier serves and served REGION in the following functions:

  • Editorial board member
  • Journal manager
  • Production editor
  • Author
  • Reviewer
Publications in REGION

Gunther Maier published the following publications in REGION:

Services to REGION

Gunther Maier

  • (co-)authored 4 articles (listed above),
  • reviewed 2 articles,
  • supported 1 article as Section Editor,
  • supported 25 articles as Journal Editor,
  • supported 98 articles as Production Editor,
  • supported 19 articles as Layout Editor,
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